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The Special Relationship

Simon Worrall and Katharine Hepburn
Mentoring from the Heart

Critically acclaimed British author of both fiction and non-fiction with over 30 years’ experience, Simon has written for publications all over the world, including National Geographic, GQ, The London Times Sunday Times Magazine, and The Paris Review. His first book, The Poet and the Murderer (Dutton/4th Estate), was praised by William Styron as “a gripping tale done with great style and elegance …” His new book, Star Crossed: A True Romeo and Juliet Story in Hitler's Paris (CITADEL Sept. 2023), which he wrote with his wife, Holocaust biographer, Heather Macadam, has been called by New York Times best-selling author, Kristin Harmel, “An important, poignant, beautifully rendered must-read for those who love World War II literature.” Simon has also made frequent appearances on Radio and TV, including the BBC’s From Our Own Correspondent; NPR, and PBS.

Simon brings this wealth of experience to help you realize your dream of getting published. He offers a full program of mentoring from an initial consultation to ongoing mentorship, editorial and marketing advice for your book, as well as advice on pitching articles, to help writers find their voice and develop their latest literary vision.

How it Works

Step 1:

Simon reviews your work, provides an assessment, and creates a plan of action for your project.
Step 2: 

You will receive regular support and mentoring sessions, either in person or via Zoom.
Step 3: 

You will also receive advice on the nuts and bolts of getting published e.g. finding the right agent, writing pitch letters, and approaching publishers, magazines, and newspapers.

Tara Isabella Burton,

Shiva Naipaul Prize Winner and author of the novel, Social Creature, published by Penguin in 2018]

“Working with Simon was an absolutely invaluable part of my development as a writer. His depth and breadth of experience are staggering, and throughout our conversations, he’s not only helped me to improve the work I do but also helped me to navigate the oft-daunting hidden rules of this complex industry, providing me with the kind of practical insight into the world of magazine journalism for which no amount of research can substitute. I can’t recommend the experience more highly to any writer looking to get serious about developing skills in any aspect of the field.”
Patagaonia Cave of Hands
“Simon Worrall is a master storyteller.”

Carol Galanty, Amazon reader


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